The Core

from the ground due to a brief
geomagnetic disturbance.

Major Childs,
the resourcefulness you showed

in determining
the descent vectors proved

that you have exceptional
navigation skills.

You've brought much credit
upon yourself,

the space program
and the United States Air Force.

Congratulations, Major.
You are reassigned
with Commander Iverson
and Flight Director Stickley

to a new mission
effective immediately.

is waiting outside.

Good luck and Godspeed, Major.
Are you sure you want
to wear this tie?

I don't know.
I mean, you look so
nervous about it.

You look so...
So, how are you holding up?
Oh, hi. I'm good, I'm good.
I'm about to tell
a couple hundred people

the world is going to end.
I've had better days.
You look good.
Well, no, you don't look good.
Why did he touch his tie
like that?

Thomas, let me speak
with you for a moment.

Listen, wouldn't you
rather I did this?

I mean, given my reputation,
I think that...

No. No, Keyes is in
the lead here, Zimsky.

Yes. Thomas, this is
the most important

scientific operation
in history.

And given my status, I feel that
it's my job to present...

Project Destiny
was your job, Zimsky.

And you went way beyond
authorized limits.

And let me tell...
And let me tell you,

I still, I want to know
if Destiny caused this problem.

It's highly unlikely,
but it may be the solution.

Now, I have not
finished checking...

Excuse me.
I'm so glad I was wrong.

Right over left...
No, the other left,
the other left.

- Gentlemen.
- And then you...

Commander Iverson,
Major Childs,
