And what is truth?
Then Pilate went back outside
to the people and said to them:
I cannot find any reason
to condemn him. But....
According to the custom you have...
I always set free a prisoner for you
during the Passover!
Do you want me to set free for you
"the King of the Jews"?
They answered him with a shout:
Give us Barabbas!
Barabbas was a bandit.
Then Pilate took Jesus
and had him whipped.
The soldiers made a crown
out of thorny branches...
and put it on his head.
Then they put a purple robe on him
and came to him and said:
"Long live the King of the Jews!"
And they went up and slapped him.
Pilate went back out once more
and said to the crowd:
Look, I will bring him out here to you...
to let you see that I cannot find
any reason to condemn him.
Look, here is the man.