Look at what he brought you.
Look at that.
lsn't that pretty?
Oh, you know, you have
a wonderful husband
that thinks about you like that
on your anniversaries.
You're so fortunate!
lt's beautiful.
lt's actually Teddy's fault
that l'm late.
He had a little accident
in the backseat,
cotton all over the place,
but l cleaned it up.
lt's okay.
l forgive Teddy.
Hey, come on, Sara.
Don't be like that.
l'm on a roll here.
We sold seven houses this month.
What about
the three soccer games,
two birthday parties,
and barbecue you missed?
Did l miss that much stuff
this month?
Okay. We're gonna take off
this weekend .
We're gonna take off
and go down to the lake
like we did last year with
the kids for the whole weekend .
-How's that sound?
-Can we really close on this?
Yes. How about this?
We can close on this.
How about this?
Close on that.
Let me go tell the kids.
All right?
Okay. All right.
Megan and Michael ,
big family adventure!
Michael Jordan Evers!
Aah! Aah!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
-Dad ! There's a...
-What is it?
-There's a spider in my room!
-There's a what?
There's a spider in my room
on the window.
Why don't you kill it, man?
That's a big spider!
Come on .
lt's just a spider, Michael.
How big could it be?
What is this?
Where's the spider at?
What? Man, you're acting
like it's Mothra.
lt's just a spider.
You're making a big deal
out of nothing, Michael .
You're 10 years old .
lt's time l teach you how to
kill a spider the right way.
The most efficient way
to crush a spider.
You got to get a good magazine.
Doesn't matter what you use.
Some people like to use ''Life''
or ''Time'' or...
This is my ''Sports lllustrated''
Swimsuit Edition.
What are you doing with it?
-l don't know.
-Yeah, right.
lf you can look at this,
you should have enough courage
to kill a spider the right way.
So l'm gonna roll this up
so you get a good grip on it.
You get a bead on the spider.
You get a side swing.
That's where you can really get
some good action going.
You want to come across like
that so you really crush it.
You come across this way so
you get his whole escape route
in case he try to go...