All right.
We're in business.
Let's go, let's go.
Let's do this.
Bob Vila would have
a field day with this place.
Hey, Megan ,
don't slam the door like that.
lt's very sensitive.
lt's a car, Dad.
Ah !
lt's not just a car.
lt's a very delicate piece
of machinery.
Shh . She didn't mean
what she just said.
She didn't mean that.
Come on .
Let's see what's around back.
l'm getting hungry.
Me too.
Don't worry.
We'll be 20 minutes tops.
Hey, Dad ,
when we get to the lake,
can l go to that pizza shop
where l ate that whole pizza,
and when we got to the cabin,
l threw up and you still saw
the pepperoni chunks in it?
Yeah , we can go there if we can
avoid a repeat performance.
Now, that's something
you don't see every day.
Oh, my God.
Dead people?
Hey, honey.
You know they have, uh ,
dead people in the backyard?
Well , some people have pools.
Some people have private
cemeteries. lt happens.
You're gonna sell a house
with this?
This historical sprawling manor
with spacious grounds? Yes.
Hey, that's good .
We'll put that on the listing.
And leave out
all the dead people?
We'll just stick
to the bright side.
Oh, no.
l got my good suit on.