Well , your grandfather had
really good taste in tchotchkes.
l'm Jim Evers
of Evers & Evers Real Estate.
Charmed to make
your acquaintance, sir.
Edward Gracey.
Uh, this is my wife, Sara.
You want to come meet
Mr. Gracey?
Very nice to meet you ,
Mr. Gracey.
And this is our daughter, Megan ,
and our son , Michael.
You have very beautiful
children , Ms. Evers.
l kicked in
some chromosomes, too.
Madam .
Oh. Nice.
Thank you .
The master was very pleased
when he heard you could come
on such short notice.
Normally we would not have
called you here so abruptly.
But we had no other choice.
What do you got,
termites or something?
Big house like this must have
a lot of termites.
No. But lately there have been
What do you think
of the house, Ms. Evers?
l think it's
absolutely incredible.
The ltalian influence.
The Renaissance style
of the molding.
The attention to detail
is stunning.
You never see houses like this.
Or at least l don't.
Great care and love went into
the building of this mansion.
This house is my inheritance.
My birthright.
But lately it's become
too much to bear.
Tell me, Mr. Evers.
Do you believe in ghosts?