He was willing to throw
everything away for love.
Well, now he's broke, dead ,
and cursed. Nice move.
-Oh, crap!
These are my new shoes.
Hey, kids, watch your step.
-Oh, crap!
Hey, Michael, don't say ''crap.''
All right.
Where is this place?
Okay, where are we?
l think the gypsy lady
said something
about making a left at an oak.
Well , glad she was so specific.
What is that?
Do you hear that?
# And harmonize #
# When we ghosts come out
to socialize #
# Doom, doom, doom, doom #
# When the cryptos creak
and the tombstones quake #
# Spooks come out
for a swinging wake #
Excuse me.
Sorry to bother you.
But we were wondering
if you happen to know
where the mausoleum was.
# Down by the #
# Old mill stream #
# Where l first met you #
No, no. l think they said
it was an old oak.
That's what they said .
lt's by the...
# By the light #
# By the light,
by the light #
# Of the silvery moon #
Yeah. You sound really good .
Your harmony's tight.
But we're trying to find
my wife. She'll be...
# Comin' 'round the mountain
when she comes #
# She'll be comin' 'round
the mountain... #
Listen, guys.
l'm trying to find a key.
l'm trying to find a key...
# Where's the key?
Where's the key? #
# Where's the beautiful key? #
# Find the key, find the key #
# Oh, how happy you'll be #
The key that l'm trying to find
is in the mausoleum.
The key is in the mausoleum.
# You left your key #
# ln a mausoleum #
# Down in Dixie #
Dad, there it is!
- # Dad, there it is #
- # Dad, there it is #
-Thanks for nothing.
We made it.
All right, kids.
Stay close.