We'll take it from here.
For three generations, my family's
been preparing for this.
I've dedicated my career...
my life... to this.
And don't think we don't appreciate it.
In a matter of days,
we may be able to set foot
inside one of their craft,
to meet these beings,
to find out what this
has all been about.
If you think I'm gonna stand by
while you take that opportunity away
from me, you're out of your mind.
You don't really have a choice.
You've been benched.
Go sit down. Grab some pine.
What I'd like you to do now...
I'd like you to clean up
the mess you made in Seattle.
The doctor... she's a liability.
Marginalize her.
And the girl's parents... put them
somewhere until this is over.
Don't want them stirring the pot.
We have people for that.
You mentioned your father's
death was a mistake.
People spend the rest of their lives
in prison for mistakes like that.
Stay out of my way.
You can ride with me, doctor.
Brief me on the way.
E-E-Excuse me?
We need your expertise.
I'm not giving you
a choice here, doctor.
Come on, let's go. Now.
Milo and I,
we drove everywhere.
We'd ask people in diners
and in gas stations,
and we got guys
from every band we know
doing the same thing.
What about taking this public?
They're not gonna come after you
with the whole world watching.
I called Channel 4 news.