The Human Stain

"But they couldn't make nothin'
out of the face,

"because it had been
in the water so long.

"Weren't much like a face at all.
"They said he was floating
on his back in the water.

"They took him
and buried him on the bank.

"But I weren't comfortable long
"because I happened
to think of somethin'.

"I knowed mighty well
that a drowned man

"don't float on his back,
but on his face.

So I knowed then
that this weren't pap."

This isn't getting too scary, is it?
It's good. I like it.
I remember
I would picture that river.

When I imagined it,
it was all kind of dark and mossy,
trees hanging down and stuff.
Not like those pictures you see
of Tom and Huck fishing.
