The Human Stain

I keep getting this sense of knowing
where she is and what she's doing.

It's very strong. l...
I want you to help me find her.
We'd have to go pretty deep.
We've gone there before,
but frankly, Lisa,
I'm a little over my head here.

Can you help me get there?
We're dealing with something
that I don't fully understand.

Even if I am able
to access it...

hypnosis of this sort
can be very dangerous.

Are you sure
you're ready for that?

I'll go wherever I have to
if I can get my daughter back.

You have to do this for me.
You owe me that much.
ALLIE: Most of
the fights people have

are about something simple...
you want something
the other person has,

or maybe they're afraid
you're going to want it,

and they go after you first.
People always think that if they win,
then that's the end,
everything will be all right
from then on.

But everything changes,
and tomorrow, the thing
you were fighting for

will just be a memory.
Like everything else,
it's already happened.

They're ready to take
the shield off, doctor.

What we're going to do
is extremely delicate.

It would be easier for
Lisa and me to find a way in

if there wasn't
anyone else in the room.

It's all right.
And a third deep breath...
Now I want you to go to that place
where you and Allie find each other.

Can you find it for me?
(inhales deeply)
SOLDIER: "And so we would lay
in ambuscade,

"as he called it,
"and kill the lot
and scoop the things.

"He said we must
slick up our swords and guns
