Hey, you guys. Come here.
I want to propose a toast.
To us.
And I want to propose
a toast to Charlie
because we just stole
$35 million worth of gold
without even holding a gun
because he planned this
down to a "T."
Nobody else
could have done that.
Nobody. Charlie!
- Charlie!
- Yay!
Thank you.
So, come on, gentlemen.
Shopping list.
Who's doing what?
Spare no dirty details.
Come on, you guys.
Take a lesson from an old man.
Don't spend it.
In what?
In gold.
Let's figure out
how to get out of here first,
all right?
What are you getting, Rob?
I don't know...
there's a lot of things
you can buy with a lot of money.
You know, I'm just thinking
about naked girls
in leather seats.
Obviously. See?
Suppose I get
the Aston Martin Vanquish?
There's not a lot
a girl won't do
on the passenger seat
of one of those things.
I'm going to get a NAD T770
digital decoder with a 70-watt
amp and Burr Brown DACs.
It's a big stereo.
Speakers so loud they blow
women's clothes off.
Now you're talking.
$35 million... you can't get
more creative than that, man?
I'm going to Andalucia,
south of Spain...
right there.
Get me a big house...
get me a library
full of first editions.
Get a room for my shoes.