Major Lock.
I have spoken with the other captains,
and I have decided to offer him an opportunity...
...para to explain their actions.
It was not to the point that my
work they required explanations.
He/she was given a direct order
of returning to Zion.
- I made it.
- But he/she requested that a ship didn't return.
I had stayed,
but he/she needed to recharge my ship.
Then it admits to have perpetrated one
direct breach of their duty.
Major, we need a presence in matrix
to wait a contact of the Oracle.
I don't want to hear those lies.
I don't want to hear of Oracles,
neither of prophecies, neither of messiah.
I only care a thing: to avoid that
that army destroys the city.
And for I need it that my
soldiers obey my orders.
With the due respect, Major,
there is only a way to save the city.
- Neo.
- Curse Morfeo.
Not all believe the same thing that you.
My beliefs don't require
that they believe.
There is a meeting today, all are
speaking and many are afraid.
Nobody remembers to have seen
so many parked ships.
Is something happening, not?
Something big.
Hey, is not allowed to say anything,
asÃque stops to ask.
Curse, is good to be at home.
I will recommend to the Council that
be removed of your functions.
That is of course their prerogative, Major.
If it was my decision, Captain, you no
he/she would step a ship more for the rest of their life.
Then I am grateful.
That it is not their decision.