The Matrix Revolutions

Yes, true, but as you can see,
things are a little different now.

- And you must be the last exile.
- The Oracle told me about you.

- And you must be the last exile.
- The Oracle told me about you.

- What did she say about me?
- That you're a bad man.

Oh, I'm not so bad...
... once you get
to know me.

The great and powerful Oracle,
we meet at last.

I suppose you've been
expecting me. Right?

The all-knowing Oracle is never surprised.
How can she be, she knows everything.

The all-knowing Oracle is never surprised.
How can she be, she knows everything.

If that's true, then why is she here?
If she knew I was coming...

Why wouldn't she leave?
Maybe you knew I was going to
do that, maybe you didn't.

If you did, that means you
baked those cookies and...

...set that plate right there
deliberately, purposefully.

Which means that you're sitting
there also deliberately, purposefully.

What did you do with Sati?
Cookies need love,
like everything does.

You are a bastard.
You would know Mom.
Do what you are here to do.
Yes m'am.
