The Matrix Revolutions

- Who the hell are you?
- I'm here to volunteer sir.

What's a pod-born pencil-neck like you
doing volunteering for my corps?

I wanna do my part, sir!
We gotta hold the dock.
How old are you, kid?
- Eighteen.
- Shoulda said sixteen, I mighta believed that!

- Ok, I'm sixteen.
- Minimum age for the corps is 18.

Sixteen's too young.
Machines don't care how old I am.
They'll kill me just the same.

Ain't that the goddamned truth.
Give me a chance, Sir.
I won't let you down.
You do, and you'll find me and the
machines have something in common.

You do, and you'll find me and the
machines have something in common.

Ok, charge the igniter.
She lives again.
You want us to patch an uplink to
reload the operations software, Sparky?

Yeah, that'd be swell. You can clean
the windshield while you're at it.

Uplinks are in place,
I'm bringing her back online.

Looking good, except uh...
Something's wrong
with the Matrix feed.

No there's not.
You're looking at
what we're looking at.

What the hell is
going on in there?

Whatever it is,
it can't be good.

The machines have taken Junction 21.
The way I see it, if we drop
down and broadcast here...

... at Interstate 153,
we might surprise them.

We go first, hammer as deep
as we can, then blow our EMP.

Hopefully we can punch a whole big
enough for you to get through.

It ain't pretty, but the way I
see it, it's the only way back.

No it's not.
There's another way.
A support line.
