-What did you say?
-Forget it.
What did you say?
Come over here.
Now, l mean it!
There'll be no trouble here.
lf that's too tough for you to
understand, you can move on.
Emiliano, unpack his mule.
You will keep your hands
off of my mule...
-Don't slam that door.
-Yes, ma'am.
There are houses in Cleveland
with lamps that run on electricity.
l'd like to see Cleveland.
-Can you fetch the water, please, Dot?
-Yes, ma'am.
At the fair, there's gonna be
expositions of the future.
There's gonna be a graphophone. You
can hear your own voice back on it.
-The Dickersons are going.
-Brake can't spare you.
-Not tomorrow with the cows calving.
-The Fosters too.
-Got all the future you need right here.
Riding all day with this
cramping and all.