Don't you ever act helpless
and pitiable to win favor with a man.
Some people shouldn't give advice
on how to act with men.
-And it's ''pitiful'' in English.
-You heard what l said.
That pail's half-empty.
l didn't do it. lt's that old lndian's
dumb old mule.
-What lndian?
-Some drifter looking for doctoring.
lf you're gonna eat barefoot...
...why not take supper
with the animals in the barn.
My boots don't fit no more.
Cut off my blood circulation.
-lt's your birthday soon.
-l'll have gangrene by then.
Your mother may have to saw off your
feet, then. Like poor old Mr. Swenson.
Mr. Jones.
Maggie, this is the visiting gentleman
l mentioned.
l'll bet a warm meal
sounds pretty good to you.
l'm afraid we have
just enough food for family.
We can't be offering
our hospitality tonight.
-l'm sure we can all do with less.
-l'm sure we can't!
l have two growing girls to feed.
Lilly, why don't you say grace.