The Missing

Didn't shoot her or stab her,
but what you did....

You broke her!
And l remember my brother too.
He lasted six years.
l bet you never even knew his name.
And l remember praying hard
every night that you'd come home.

On the day l put him
in the ground...

...l remember praying even harder
you were dead.

So you don't want to reminisce
with me, that l promise you.

l earned this money in large part...
...killing mountain lions for ranchers
like you. l want you to have it.

lf l were destitute
and drawing my last breath--

This is good money.
Take it for your children.

-Take it for your funeral.

l've done my duty as a Christian.
You get the hell off my ranch!

l'd stop now.
Maggie asked you to leave.
l think it's time you did so, sir.
Right about now.
So long.
Nice making your acquaintance.
