Fourth Cavalry...
...will pursue...
...in due course.
Well, there you have it.
l'll send the undertaker out...
-...for the remains.
-You're not going after them?
Not under the present
circumstances, ma'am.
With the fair in town, l need
all the men l have right here.
lf you don't follow now,
their trail will get cold.
The Army is handling the situation.
They have Apache scouts.
Takes an Apache to catch an Apache.
lf someone doesn't go now,
my daughter may be dead.
Ma'am, l am elected to keep vigil
over this town of ours.
Just one or two men, sir,
that's all l'm asking.
Ma'am, l am sorry.
Seth, l need a word with you.
lt was the lndians did it.
Now, ladies, l will not authorize
fireworks until a water wagon is here.
Ma'am, that's the drunkard
from last night.
What would you like me
to do with him?
Let him go.
l don't care.
l want you to ride to the Handys'...
-No. No, l won't.
-...and stay there till l get back.
l won't stay behind. l'll follow you as
soon as you're gone, you know l will.
-l'm not-- You can't leave me, Ma.