But not the way you're thinking.
ls there time enough to give
these men a proper Christian burial?
Dead's dead,
one way or the other.
l asked if there was time.
There's time.
Get in.
You must be the pride of your people.
And you of yours.
Prepare to dismount!
The two on the porch
have expired, lieutenant.
Ask him why he murdered those men.
l didn't murder anybody.
They were dead when l got here.
What are you doing in here?
My granddaughter was stolen two
days ago. l trailed her to this place.
What's her name?
You don't know your
granddaughter's name?
Well, her sister's name is Dot.
We found two horses with a bunch
of women's property in them.
Hang him.
-Other side!
-There he goes!