l didn't kill anyone!
-l said, l didn't kill anyone!
-Come out and show your hands!
-l am looking for my granddaughter!
-Then you tell me her damn name!
-l don't know her damn name!
-Lilly Gilkeson.
-You know this lndian?
-He's no lndian.
-Damn well looks lndian to me.
No, he's a....
That's my father.
l've been hoping we'd find you, sir.
We need your help.
We tracked my daughter
south from Chloride.
They're heading toward Mexico.
Near as we can figure...
...they've hit six or seven homesteads
so far, including this one.
Army should've killed the heathens
when they had a chance.
They are Army, ma'am. Deserters.
Why, l thought they were Apache.
Apache scouts.
Formerly on Uncle Sam's payroll.
Like Happy Jim here.
-We use them to hunt other Apaches.
-The lndians were American soldiers?
Then a couple of months ago,
some of them turned...
...shot some white officers and jumped
the reservation in San Carlos.
The 4th Cavalry started all this
by hanging their chief.
Don't know what they were thinking.
What makes you think
they were thinking?
This whole territory's
gone topsy-turvy.
You got lndians running with whites,
whites running with lndians.
Get those prisoners moving!