l assure you, they'll be redirected
as soon as we reach Fort Stanton.
Stanton's three days away.
My daughter will be in Mexico by then.
l grieve for your situation, l truly do.
But my assignment is to return these
hostiles in my capture to Stanton...
...for their prompt
and immediate deportation.
-You like fish?
-Go water the horses.
-l watered them back at the--
-l'm not asking.
Don't make them too raw, please.
Very well, ma'am.
Lilly, she's...
...not the same as Dot.
She's not strong.
She gets hurt so easy.
-For the fish.
l know l asked you
to get us to the Army--
l asked you if you wanted
some sage put on your fish.
Yeah. All right.
None for Dot.