The Recruit

You see where this whole thing
is going, James?

Go, go, go!
You called me.
You wanted to talk.
You said you had something
to show me.

Bragged to me about how you were
gonna screw the company,

screw us all.
You even shot at me
in the car -- shot at me.

And we fought...
...and you hit me.

I got my cover.
You got yours?
You killed a man, son.
Killed by your hand.
You've got no way out but me.
You're gonna have to negotiate.
The lce 9 program isn't real.
It's a fake!
Oh, no. It's real.
Switched it myself.
Once you're in Langley,
you can do anything.

It's getting it out
that's a bitch.

I could delete it right now.
Erase it all!
That's how to play
the game, James.

Your daddy would be proud
of you -- that kind of talk.

All right, that's enough.
You stop.

You don't talk about him.
You do not mention his name!

Oh, sensitive.
You're a liar, a traitor!
He was none of those things.
Well, he wasn't in the ClA.
Maybe that's why.

I mean, now that
we're letting it all hang out,

airing our laundry.
He didn't work for us.
