The Recruit

Five years, you'll get
your first annual trip to Texas.

You got a wife by then,
.5 kids, 200K a year,

and that's it --
that's the whole show.

Then you're dead.
And it all started because
of one nasty little martini.

So you're a recruiter.
That I am.
You're kidding.
Applications for the ClA
are up tenfold.

Would I have to kill anyone?
Would you like to?
WOMAN: Beer man -- Heineken?
Yeah, just a sec.
All I know about the ClA is
that they're a bunch of fat,

old white guys who fell asleep
when we needed them most.

Oh, well, like I said,
you don't know shit.

I know what I know.
-Nice meeting you, James.
-You too.

Way I figure, you'll probably
go in the oil business...

Iike your daddy.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Did you know my father?
James, I have recruited
and trained and served

with the best
our country has to offer

for over a quarter
of a century.

I am a scary judge of talent.
It's my gift.
I am recruiting you,
Mr. Clayton.

In case you haven't noticed,
I'm not exactly ClA material.

You have any idea
what ClA material is?

It's not me.
No? Well, I don't know.
You graduated
top of your class at M.I.T.,

majored in nonlinear

scored off the charts in your
undergrad psych profile test.

Those are confidential.
Yeah, right.
You're agile,
athletic, and...

And what?
