I am not your enemy.
What are you doing here?
Barmaid by day,
rebel leader by night.
You are good! The whole time I was
working you, you were working me.
I was hoping you might find
O Gato do Diabo.
It couldn't have all been work.
Could it?
Man, that was some good work.
What do you think, Travis?
I knew. You know that, right?
I totally knew.
Of course.
The herbs will keep it
from getting infected.
- Why do you do this?
- Pardon me?
- Why do you fight?
- Because of 65 cents an hour.
That's what Hatcher
pays the workers.
But in order to mine,
you need tools.
You need food, clothing,
a place to sleep.
You have no money,
so, what do you do?
You borrow from Hatcher.
Pick and shovel, a dollar a day.
A sack to haul the dirt,
another dollar.
Old Mr. Beck knows a lot
about debt, don't you?
He knows what it's like to dig a hole
so deep you can't climb out.
Call it what you want.
It's escravidão.
And we intend to stop it.