from Maggot Death.
That's the real you.
Dewey, I'm not a satanic
sex god anymore.
I'm a working stiff.
And that's cool.
- She's got you brainwashed.
- I'm working.
That's terrific.
But who are you, babe ?
This is my apartment, babe.
Not if you don't pay your rent,
it's not. Get a job.
I got a job. I'll have rent by the end
of the week. Go tell the mayor.
- You got a job. Doing what ?
- I do what Ned does, temping.
I'm not a temp. I'm a sub.
And soon I'll be a certified teacher.
Come on, man !
One show, $20,000 prize,
we split it 60/40. Grab your bass
and come back to the garage.
I mean, don't you miss rocking out ?
If you think anyone is gonna
be in a band with you,
you're more delusional
than I thought.
Dewey, you know, maybe it's time
to give up those dreams.
I did, and things are going
really great for me.
Are you gonna teach us anything
or are we just gonna sit here ?
Just do whatever you want.
- I want to learn from my teacher.
- Besides that.
Freddy, what do you
like to do ?
I don't know, burn stuff ?
Just go out and have recess.
My parents don't spend $15,000
a year for recess.
- You want to learn something ?
- Yes, I do.
You want me to teach
you something ?
All right, here's a useful lesson
for you.
Give up. Just quit.
Because in this life, you can't win.
Yeah, you can try, but in the end,
you're just gonna lose, bigtime,