All right, so, uh,
you're gonna wait for
him here, all right?
Yeah, all right.
Cuckoo man.
My book.
What's it doing here?
What's going on?
Your book, Mr. Dark.
Happened to pick up
a copy
the other day.
Oh, yeah? Where?
Fertilizer factory?
He said out of the side
of his mouth.
Gibbon. How are you,
Mr. Dark?
Can't... shake.
Oh, yes, of course.
l'm sorry.
And l wouldn't if l could.
l'm here under protest.
Well, l see. A kidnap.
Little men shouldn't sit
where their feet don't touch
the floor.
Makes me think
of nursery rhymes.
You don't want
to see me.
What sharpness. What perception.
And you don't like it at all
that l've got this.
lt's full of clues.
No, it's full of pages.
Oh, but clues are what
you're supposed to find
in a detective story.
Am l right, or...
am l right?