but you know that, of course.
Of course.
Mr. Dark?
Your wife.
You know what, l...
Maybe we shouldn't wake him.
They wanted to know if you came.
The doctors.
They'd like to speak with you.
Well, yeah, maybe
l-l should speak to somebody.
l mean, at least l won't
get my head bitten off.
Oh, uh, if he wakes up
and sees me here,
you'll know what l mean.
lt's... Dan Dark, Darker,
Darkest, kind of his thing.
l'm-l'm going to go. l...
l think
l shouldn't have come.
l just...
l shouldn't even try.
Wait. Please...
Farewell, my lovely.
You bitch!
Come here, you disgusting tramp!
You two-bit slag bitch!
Who are you
spreading your legs for now?
Come back here now,
you stupid
bitch whore cunt!
Mr. Dark, what do you
think you're doing?
Where do you
think you are?
l'm so sorry.
ls there a problem?
Yes, there's
a problem.
You're the problem.
Stop the yelling.
lt's disgusting.
You should be
ashamed of yourself.
You stop it at once!
l so don't want
to be disruptive.