...I'll be responsible for the
direction of the investigation...
And I'm supposed
to do as I'm told.
Isn't that correct, judge?
That's correct, colonel.
Why don't we have lunch?
I want to know more about you.
Not much to know.
I'm a soldier.
You a Catholic?
- Married?
- No.
- You?
- Was.
My mother was Catholic,
my father Jewish.
- What's that make you?
- Agnostic.
Thank you. I'll do it.
In 1945, Pierre Brossard
is arrested by the police in Paris...
...tried as a collaborator,
and sentenced to death.
A week later he escapes. How?
After all this time,
it's rather difficult to tell.
No, it isn't. He escapes
because they let him.
Then they covered their tracks.
That's what they've all been doing.
I'm the third examining
magistrate appointed.
That's only because of this new law.
Crimes against humanity.
You've heard about this Jewish
group that's looking for Brossard?
Oh, somebody's been using
police wavebands illegally.
You know we monitor them.
Seems there's this Jewish commando
plotting to assassinate Brossard.
- Why wasn't I told this earlier?
- I'm telling you now.