Monsieur Pierre.
I have an appointment.
Shut up!
- Did you receive your envelope?
- Yes, thank you.
- So why did you come here?
- I was followed today.
A man... Man tried to kill me.
I had to defend...
Defend myself.
I shot him.
You shot him?
Yes. I put him back in his car.
It's at the bottom of a ravine
near the Abbey de St. Cros.
I found these.
Looks genuine.
I'll keep it and make a proper check.
I spotted him yesterday
as I was leaving the bar.
They seem to know
every move I make.
Who are they?
I don't know.
Don't know.
They could be Jewish activists
or relatives.
I'll look into it.
How would they know there
was a letter for me at the bar?
Nobody knew that, not even
my friends in the Church.
You were...
You were staying at St. Cros?
Does the abbot...
...or anyone else know about this?
- No.
Good. Good.
Well, keep it that way.
- Yes, commissaire.
- Don't call me commissaire.