The Wooden Camera

My brother, Madiba,
was always a loner.

His job was to sell tripe
in the market

every day, after school.
When he was not
selling tripe,

he would lie
on his back in solitude

and stare at the clouds
for hours and hours.

Sometimes he would
just lie there

and watch the way the wind
blew a piece of paper.

One day as he was roaming around looking
for things to stare at

he saw this boat
on the riverbank.

There was a boy in it,
very sick and weak from hunger.

His name was Sipho,
and he had no parents.

Madiba gave him food to eat
and a blanket
that kept him warm.

Since that day,
Madiba and Sipho became
very, very close friends.

Is he dead?
Hey, man, he's saying
hello to God.

Gimme that.
