make lecture.
Oh, no. That's a big one.
and then speech.
It's 4:03 a.m., and I guess
I'll just keep working until morning.
I feel...somewhat awake.
And then Andy can take over again.
We can do
around-the-clock shifts, I guess.
I'm just trying to add a few slides
into the PowerPoint here.
Because, actually, a lot of the things
that business leaders of the world
say in relation to these issues
are actually sort of very similar
to what Unruh Hank Hardy says,
even though maybe Unruh Hank Hardy
is a little bit more frank about it.
And, in fact,
when he talked to CNBC,
when he was debating,
an activist, Barry Coates,
just sort of agreed with what he said
when he said that this is what
the WTO does, and this is our position.
And Barry Coates said,
"Well, that's funny. That's exactly right."
So...after Salzburg, we got an e-mail
asking a representative of the WTO
to appear on CNBC
MarketWrap Europe.
And the producer apparently didn't notice
that gatt.org was not the WTO site.
And Granwyth Hulatberi, which is
another name that Andy just came up with,
responded and, of course, said,
"Well, I'd be happy to go
on CNBC MarketWrap."
And the producer wanted him to debate
an anti-globalization protester.
If the WTO is serious about addressing
the issues of world poverty,
it would do things
completely differently than it is now.