This is the E.V.A....
the Employee Visualization Appendage.
It's an instantly deployable,
hip-mounted device
with totally hands-free operation...
that allows the manager to see
his employees directly right here.
Signals communicating the exact
amounts and quality of physical work
are transmitted
not only visually right here,
but directly through electric channels
implanted directly into the manager.
The workers, for their part, are fitted
with corresponding transmitting chips
that are implanted humanely
directly into the shoulder.
But the other equally important
achievement of the MLS
has to do with leisure.
In the United States, leisure-
another word for freedom, really...
has been decreasing steadily
since the 1970s.
The Management Leisure Suit
permits the manager to reverse this trend
by letting him do his work anywhere
while remaining
in complete touch with the workers,
physically sensing what's going on
in the workforce, on the floor,
through channels implanted
directly into the manager.
Again, the manager
sees the employees,
but also feels what they're feeling
and can select where to focus
in the workplace environment.
So, in conclusion,
I'd like to ask,
is this a science-fiction scenario?
The answer is no.
Everything we've seen here,
everything we've been talking about
is entirely possible today.
We can always look forward
on the highways of progress
towards ever-new horizons
with cooperation and mutual delight
in the fruits of prosperity.
I'm very excited to be here.
Thank you very much.