The Yes Men

like the top.1% education-wise people
in the entire world

in a developed country
like Finland...

these people all have PhDs
or advanced degrees...

and you can say
the most atrocious things

and nobody will really react
and nobody will really care.

It's like, you know,
what can't corporations get away with?

So, where are we?
Well, we're arriving
in Helsinki right now.

We left the conference this morning.
It was just-it had driven us
completely mad after dinner last night.

I thinkwe had our fill with dinner.
I had to actually leave
a little bit early.

I went over to the table where Unruh...
Hank Hardy had to sit
with the big men and eat,

and I told him
that we needed to leave

because we had a telephone meeting
with Mobutu Oblongatu immediately.

- Great.
- Hi.

Sorry to butt in a minute,
but we're supposed to meet
Manduka Djubango...

- Oh, God.
- 10:00.

And then we both started laughing,
which was really not convenient
for the context.

So we left, and we just decided
that, basically,

we couldn't figure out what else
we could possibly do at this conference,

so we just thought, "Well,
let's go to Helsinki instead."

So, this is the paper.
On the front page-
I just discovered it...

it says there's a seminar
at the university

and that somebody talked
about controlling remote workers

with electrical impulsions.
And then you turn to the page, and...
...and that's what you get.
And this right here represents
the World Trade Organization.

the World Trade Organization.
