- Andy, hi. How're you doing?
- Barry. Nice to meet you.
- Good to meet you.
- Good. Great.
We're in London,
and we were just at the offices
of the World Development Movement
where we talked to Barry Coates,
who's the director
of the World Development Movement
and who showed up
on CNBC MarketWrap Europe
debating our friend here-
Granwyth Hulatberi...
about the prospects of WTO
and globalization.
We kind of expected him maybe to have
a glimmer of recognition immediately,
and he didn't-okay.
Then we put on the tape and...
he laughed
at how horribly stupid it was,
but he never realized
that this wasn't really
a representative of the WTO.
Even when he saw me
like this right next to him,
and then we switched seats
and he still didn't notice.
Then I had to put my face
next to the thing and go...
Yeah, let's just pause it here.
- Okay. Hit stop.
- Is there a pause?
- Stop button.
- There's no pause.
I don't know what I could've said
after that clip.
I mean...really...
"Where did they get this guy from?"
might've been my first comment.
So did you ever figure out
where they got the guy from?
I understood that he was in the External
Relations Department for the WTO.
- That's what they thought, too.
- That's what they thought, as well.
- But...
- But...
- ...as it happens, he wasn't.
- Yeah.
- In fact-
- Just take one more close look.
Wait, can we-is this reverse?
I wasn't gonna mention the likeness.
You were being very polite,
weren't you? Yeah.