- How's the new house?
- It's an apartment, Mom.
So, are you taking them
Saturday night?
Whoa. That sounds like a big deal.
- Why can't he take us?
- Well, sure, sure.
He's our fucking father.
- Um... Oh, baby, l...
- He's never with us.
No, not... not you.
You're going digital on me. Yeah.
Uh, l-I'll talk to you later.
- So we're not staying with him?
Uh, he gets to go to
some black tie event.
Something for...
Something for NASA.
He's gonna try
to have brunch on Sunday.
You get out, you.
Get out, you.
Terrific. Then we might as well
be on the fucking moon.
No. No.
My mom will kill me.
- She smokes.
- No shit. The same brand.
No shit.
- You want it so bad.
Look what I got
from the tattoo shop.
Let's do it right now.
Sewing kit.
This is probably gonna hurt
worse than your tongue.
I don't give a shit.
Just do it.
- Oh, fuck!
- What the fuck did you do?
- Everything okay, Evie?
- Yeah, we just spilled a Coke, Mel.