Accelerated launch activation.
T- minus 60 seconds.
Here we go.
- You got him?
- Give me his vitals.
Pulse: 47.
Brain waves normal.
Accelerated launch probability:
You got about a 30-minute window
before the prison riot starts.
I wouldn't want to be
in that place when it does.
You do realize the risk of running an
accelerated launch without an exact location?
Just don't land him
in the middle of a wall.
If my space and time telemetry's off, I
could land him on the moon, for Christ's sake.
- Launch him!
- [Computer] Launch activation...
Stand by for watch calibration.
On my mark.
Destination coordinates
are in your system...
Coming up on time cue.
Time sync in... five, four,
three, two, one... mark!
Launch activation,
T- minus 30 seconds.
- Good to go, Ryan.
- Thanks, man. Let's do it, Doc.
Listen to me. A normal launch has
a failure rate of 4%.
Launching you again this soon
raises that to 20%.
- But an accelerated launch...
- Just give me the shot, Doc!
- God! Ryan, this is not safe!
We shouldn't be doing this!
- Doc!
Give me the shot, or
my molecules will be scattered
from here to hell and back!
Doc, give me the damn shot!
Eleven, 10, 9, 8, 7...
Tonight. You can pick me up at 8:00.
Zero. Launch sync
May 7, 2025, 3:20 p.m.
Initiating time phase... now!
Time phase initiated.