- Get the body out of there,
- And x-rays and records,
Get everything, OK?
Will it be a problem?
No, there's no problem,
They've been very accommodating,
lf this gets out, lTC is ruined,
Any idea how he ended up
in the desert?
l don't know, Maybe he used his
marker without enough clearance,
- lt could be a million things,
- Not too bright,
He's dead, Robert,
Taub is dead,
Oh, Mr, Gordon, by the way,
what's Castlegard?
l heard that's the only word
he said, ''Castlegard'',
Sounds like an amusement park,
Listen up, class, April 4, 1357,
Castlegard, France,
The English army in their red uniforms
occupied the village of Castlegard,
The French, meanwhile,
were advancing,
trying to drive them out of there,
in this direction over the river,
past the monastery and up
and over to the heights here,
Just leave it, Chris, that's fine,
before you wreck the place,
The English army, meanwhile,
had retreated to Castle La Roque,
Well fortified, very strong,
very well supplied,
and both sides had settled in
for a long siege,
The French were trying to push
the English out of France,
Lord Oliver tries to take the fight
out of the French,
Now, he has a prisoner, a woman,
A woman of class
and a woman of nobility,
Commander Arnaut's sister,
Lady Claire,
He hangs her from the battlements
for all of the French forces to see,
lnstead of demoralizing the French,
it whips them into a frenzy,
and they attack the castle
like madmen,
and they overpower the English
with sheer passion,
So the fortress of La Roque
fell in one night
because of the death of one woman,
Lady Claire,
All right, that's enough
of the academics for today,