You know what that is to me?
Romantic warrior crap,
You want to see romantic?
Follow me,
Come on,
Come on!
What have you got?
Oh, another stone
sticking out of the ground,
No, it's a 600-year-old sarcophagus
with a French knight and his lady,
- Look, isn't she beautiful?
- She's a real knockout,
Very funny, Another thing,
down here, they're holding hands,
- lncredibly unusual for that period,
- That is kind of unusual, huh?
Oh, God, over here,
This knight has only got one ear,
What happened there?
What, one ear?
That piece is missing,
lt's somewhere here in the dirt,
l'm the archeologist,
lt was carved that way,
- Fair enough,
- Trust me,
Who do you think they were?
Why would somebody that doesn't
give a shit be concerned with that?
- Because l'm intrigued, all right?
- See?
- What you wanted to hear?
- Yeah,
We're all intrigued by this,
That's why we're all here,
lt's not just about the rocks
and the rubble,
lt's about these people,
Who were they?
And what were their stories?
lt helps us to understand where we
came from, or where we're going,
- You know what l like to say,
- ''You make your own history,''
- Do l say it that often?
- Yeah, all the time,
Well, whoever they were,
they made theirs
lt's best to go really, really slow,
lt's better to be cautious,
Come on, Hurry up!
Cave-in at the monastery!
Cave-in at the monastery!
l was standing and the floor gave way
underneath my feet,