The point is,
when these guys come here,
and take us up to La Roque,
when they seal that place off for battle,
there is no escape,
We're as good as dead,
- No, we gotta get out of here now,
- Wait, wait, wait,
Remember that field
where the peasant huts were?
That's the closest place
with enough room to use the marker,
- How do we get there?
- We have to do it fast,
- We've got four hours,
- Four hours is plenty,
The way l see it, we've got 650 years
of knowledge on these guys,
There's no reason why we shouldn't
be able to get home in 20 minutes,
- OK, let's find a way out,
- Let's look around,
There's a hole here
big enough to climb through,
- Quiet!
- OK, all right,
She was with the group
we caught earlier, my lord,
May l ask why
you're trespassing on my land?
Come, come,
- What are you doing?
- Here's what l'll do:
l'm gonna scale down the wall, When
it's clear, l'm gonna let you guys out,
- All right,
- You're not going anywhere,
What? l am, l'm,,,
Marek, l'm the best climber,
l am the best climber,
lf anyone should
be going, it should be me,
but those roof slats won't
hold me, or you, or you, Chris,
- No, no,,,
- Wait, Wait,
But they might hold you, Kate,
Now, Kate, this isn't a game,
Are you prepared to take a life?