Press yours,
l'm not going without Marek,
- Hit your marker,
- You're not going anywhere,
Marek's got his own marker,
Search every building
and every farm!
- Oh, shit,
- Kate, press it,
We can come back for Marek,
Press it, We've been here too long,
- Press it,
- lt's not working,
- lt's not working,
- l know how to do this,
- Why isn't it?
- l don't know,
- lf it were working, we'd be home now!
- Everybody, walk away slowly,
Let's find a place to hide,
lnfantry, spread out, Search the huts!
Search everywhere and capture them!
Oh, by the way,
my name's Andre Marek,
Castlegard was your village, wasn't it?
- Don't worry, you'll return there soon,
- No,
The English will burn it to the ground
before they move to La Roque,
- No, La Roque will fall too,
- Yes,
But it will take many more lives
and many months of fighting
before it happens,
The French built that fortress,
We know how strong it is,
La Roque will fall tonight,
Only a prophet,,,or a fool
could make such a claim,
ln your case, it's probably the fool,