To End All Wars

[Gordon Narrating]
What does it take for a man to lose his dignity?

Come on, you English fuck.!
How far can he fall
to pay the price of survival?

- [Grunts]
- [Bowl Clatters]

Dusty built a sanctuaryjust outside the camp
called the Church Without Walls.

We were allowed
to visit it freely.

They knew we had
nowhere to go.

[Campbell] I'll tell you what I'm gonna do
soon as I get back to Glasgow.

Gonna visit my favorite pub.
- I'm gonna sink... 14 whiskeys and seven pints.
- [Ticking]

And I'm gonna spend the night in the arms
of my tender, lovin' wee wife.

- You're married, sir?
- No, but if you got a sister, I'm available.

What about you, Ernie?
Probably teach.
I've always fancied teaching.
I thought I'd see
the world first though.

- You got that wish.
- Aye.

When I get outta here, I'm gonna go into
business for myself and get stinkin' rich.
