Where are the signed papers?
as you have violated
the Geneva Convention,
the Hague Convention...
and every human right
for properly supervised prisoners of war,
may I respectfully recommend...
that you...
and your fascist monkeys...
stick your head
up your ass.!
Because we will not sign
your bloody paper!
Now translate that!
I am sick of this drivel!
- Gentlemen.
- Sir.
Look after my boys, lan.
It is regrettable, but...
we take each of you
and shoot one by one.!
- [Doctor] Come on, man.
- Sir!
Until you respect Emperor!
Come on. Out of here.
Out of here!
- Fuck! Fuck him!
- Come on! Come on, man! Come on!
- Fuck.!
- Come on, man.! Out ofhere.!
- Bastard! Fucking bastard!
- Out, out of here!
- Fucking...
- Come.
- Major, what happened? What happened?
- Fucking shot!