To End All Wars

than fy to others
that we know not of?

In the second book
of The Republic,

Plato says,
"What will happen to the just man...

should he enter this world?"
Well, thejust man
will be scourged,

racked, chained.
Then after every kind of misery,
he will be crucified
on a pole for all to see.

Any questions?
I've got a question.
- Do you mind?
- Sure.

My question:
If the just man...
is treated as you say,
then what's the just response?
Roll over and let evil
have its wicked way?

Well, what would
you recommend, Major?

Oh, I'd recommend defiance.
Justice for the captors.
An eye for an eye.
- At what price mercy?
- [Chuckles]

Yeah, mercy.
The last bastion
of traitors and cowards.

So you would take a man
and crucify him on a pole for all to see?

- I would seek justice.
- [Book Thuds]

Any of you?
