#A real live nephew
of my Uncle Sam #
#Born on the Fourth ofJuly
#I've got a Yankee Doodle sweetheart
# She's my Yankee Doodle joy #
#Yankee Doodle came to London #
#Just to ride the ponies #
# I am that Yankee Doodle boy ##
I'm still alive, you Jap bastards!
You can understand that, can't you?
[Thunder Rumbling]
[Groans, Screaming]
[Screaming Continues]
[Japanese Soldier Shouting]
[Gordon Narrating]
They could take away our books and classes,
but we were determined they couldn't take
away what we had learned in our university.
Dusty led some of the men out of
the Death House to help draw water.
His example of what we were learning
inspired us to work like never before.
And our captors noticed.
As for the major,
we refused to get even with him...