Go on! I'm fine!
Help the other men!
Hurry! Help me!
Help me, Ernie!
- Just don't look at it, man. Don't look at it!
- [Muffed Screams]
They thought
we was Nips, Ernie.
I almost made it.
I got killed by my own side, Ernie!
You're not killed.
You're with me, man.
- They thought we was Nips!
- Shh, shh.
Don't leave me, man.
Don't you leave me, man!
Don't you leave me, man. Don't leave me, man.
Stay with me, man. Stay with me, man!
Stay with me, man! No!
Get up.! Get fuckin'up.!
[Gordon Narrating]
An enemy location was also hit nearby.
The wounded had abandoned
their posts looking for help.
Their arrival at our camp
would compel us to make...
the most important decision
of our lives...
a decision that would defy
the Bushido code...
ofhonor and shame.