Kim, it's 7 a.m.
How about a coffee break?
I don't drink coffee.
You go ahead.
I don't need the rope.
Hi, Kim!
Aren't you gIad you had that rope?
-You're new. Are you a member?
-Mats doesn't cIimb.
I'm getting that coffee now.
-Sorry I made you faII.
-I didn't faII. I Iet go.
-I thought you took yeIIow piIIs.
-These are stronger.
Now I'm aIIergic to fur, too.
We're going to Stavern today.
The whoIe famiIy.
-These pictures are of your dad.
-He started this cIub.
Is this him, too?
He soIoed the East WaII at age 1 2.
No one has done it since.
-Are many going?
CIimbing camp. I'II be Iiving in
a cabin for a week. I can't wait!
Why did you come here, anyway?
Happy birthday.