Get a moped!
I can't.
I'm not oId enough.
Send them out.
Don't be too rough.
Graze to your hearts content!
Guri's Ieg stiII hurts.
-She'd make a good mutton stew.
-Don't say things Iike that!
-Do aII your sheep have names?
-Of course. Don't yours?
I'm so sorry, mom!
Hi, honey!
Sorry about what?
Oh yes,
You aIways forget your birthday.
-I remembered Christmas.
-But forgot your Christmas present.
I didn't want a ceII phone.
-Have you been cIimbing again?
-I cIimb every morning.
Why can't you do something normaI,
Iike rhythmic gymnastics?
-Right, mom. Tomorrow.
-You Iook Iike a boy in those cIothes.
Didn't you Iike the cake?