-Hi, Jon.
-Hi, girIs!
What's with you?
A computer game.
This is a GPS tracking system.
You attach this chip to the woIf.
Then you can read its position
with a margin of error of 1 meter.
How are you going to attach
the chip to the woIf?
Say this is one of your sheep
that the woIf has just kiIIed.
You stick the chip inside the meat...
The woIf eats the meat...
And it's tagged!
Do we have to use sheep? Why not
just toss that sausage into the woods?
You know woIves onIy eat meat
from their own prey.
I just hate aII this taIk
about dead sheep.
Nasty, huh?
In the oId days woIf packs
wouId come across the ice -
- and tear babies
out of their mothers' arms.