-Want to come woIf hunting?
-Have you seen a dead sheep?
-Or haIf of one?
-2098. Her name was Guri.
This is CeciIie Nochmänner.
Her daughter is missing.
She's been gone a week.
We need a search party.
CouId she have been the one
who asked for directions?
Brown hair, purpIe T-shirt,
brown pants, barefoot?
Have you seen her?
My wonderfuI IittIe baby!
What were you thinking?
I have been so worried.
Say something!
What are you doing here?
I've been Iooking for you.
You reek of wet dog!
I've been Iiving with a woIf.
She didn't want me to Ieave.
-That's not funny!
-I'm serious.
Today for breakfast we ate
the forepart of a sheep caIIed 2098.
Let's go have your head checked.
Let's find a taxi and go home.
-Look, there's what's-his-name.
What brings you here?
-I brought these for you.
-Aren't you nice. Thank you!
-Did it go OK?
-Fine. They said her head's fine.