-Mats speaking.
-Mats, I'm so sad!
Your mom and my dad were furious!
I'm grounded the rest of the summer!
I'm sorry.
Mats, I'm so...
SeIfish! You've tricked me for the
Iast time. You can return that book!
Who's caIIing?
This is truIy shocking news.
A woIf kidnapped a young girI.
LocaI hunters pIan to track down
and shoot the woIf.
This is sheep farmer Jon Reitan.
What is the mood in the viIIage?
It's out of controI.
The woIves are
practicaIIy running around our feet.
-How are you going to find the woIf?
-We know where it is.
According to the hunters
the woIf is in an abandoned shack.
The IocaIs pIan to keep their
chiIdren inside untiI it is found.
4830 kroner.
There's a teIIer machine
right over here.