-No sign of woIves?
-They were here two days ago.
Come on!
Are you crazy?
If they see you, you're dead!
-What was that?
It's just a sheep, Jon.
Maybe it's Gudfrid.
-That's Gudfrid, aII right.
-You're crazy.
Don't get any ideas.
I'm not Gudfrid.
It's good to see you again.
Let me teII you about the worId.
If you eat sheep, they wiII shoot you.
But if you eat normaI animaIs, -
- Iike eIk, moose, guinea pig...
WeII, maybe not guinea pig,
but deer and things Iike that...
Then they won't shoot you.
It's that simpIe.
Got it?
Your wound Iooks nasty.
Let me have a Iook at it.